Here is my presentation for the 2010 MIDTESOL Conference in Dubuque, IA on Friday, October 22.
Image from The short answer via statistical analysis is yes . For more information, read Lucassen, T., Dijkstra, R., & Schraagen, J. M. (2012). Readability of Wikipedia. First Monday at . Wikipedians are aware that the open online encyclopedia may be too difficult, and there is a discussion of its reading level at . Much of this discussion took place over a decade ago, but the gist is that many contributors write at or for the college level. What appeals to me most is at the end of the page, where Wikipedians are discussing accessibility and what it means to be open to all. Here's my screenshot (in case it gets edited later). What does this mean for English language teachers? I was interested in seeing how selected Wikipedia articles range according to